Today, I went to experience the Reichstag with Emre and his tutor, David. We waited outside for a long time. I'm not even sure how long. But the wait wasn't too bad. We spent our time talking in German and English...and in body language. I was trying to teach Emre a hand-slapping game, and when I couldn't think of what to say, we just kind of...made it work. And then he taught me a cool European variation of it. It was so much fun!! :) It's moments like that that remind me of how awesome communication is in general. What can't be said verbally can be said with body language, motions, eye contact. We can demonstrate things, make noises. It's all so fascinating.
When we finally got inside, we had to go through security similar to an airport. I hadn't expected that for some reason, but it made perfect sense. After security, we rode up in a huge elevator up to the roof. We were able to walk around on the roof outside, all the while David pointed out famous buildings and structures. Dude, David is so smart. He was telling me and Emre SO MUCH INFORMATION. It was so impressive. I also loved how much he was really working with Emre. All the
tutors and tutees that I have been with...they were all so interested, so invested in their student. It's so touching--such a beautiful thing. All the tutors I have met have been such good people.
Anyhoo, we entered the cupola and had these awesome headsets for an audio German for them, and David grabbed an English one for me, haha. So we walked around and experienced the dome. It was beautiful and we could see
everything. Unfortunately, my camera battery was about two seconds away from dying. So I could only snap a
couple shots randomly. But I still really loved every moment!
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